This project involved a landscape design for the entire site. The house structure underwent an entire renovation as well. The homeowner’s goals were to create a planting border along the street for privacy and for children’s safety, and also to create a reasonably level lawn area for a play area as well as for the ability to set up a large tent for entertaining.
The “before” photos show that the front lawn sloped at street level along the entire 300’ length of the property. In addition to the rough excavation, another 450 yards of loam was necessary to raise the grade and create a planting berm, where the soil was amended with a compost planting mix. All ledge areas were cleaned of all soil and weeds as a preparation for rock garden installation. Approximately 20,000 square feet of lawn sod was installed.
BEFORE:The south side of the property was excavated to smooth out the grade and remove the rocky soil for lawn and planting trench.
AFTER: A ledge area was cleaned off as an architectural element. A barrier of spruce, lilaces and viburnum were planted along the side road.
The goal of the planting design was to create a sense of a mature landscape, using larger size, custom ordered plant material. The plant material was selected for visual appeal of texture and long term flowering, as well as for the ability to endure the strong ocean storms. The homeowner’s also wanted to include apple and plum trees, which were planted in the rear of the property away from the direct ocean exposure. Driveway design was integrated into the landscape design achieving aesthetic appeal and functionality.
BEFORE: The area on the west side of the house was prepared for a driveway and access to the guest house and connecting landscape.
AFTER: Granite curbing framed a hydrangea planting bed. The area was graded and loam/compost and sod installed from drive to guest house.
BEFORE: The north side of the house needed extensive grading and clean up post house construction. Old granite slabs were installed as steps by carriage house to reach upper grade in rear.
AFTER: A ledge area was cleaned off as a planting bed landscape element. 10’ arborvitae were installed for deck privacy, as well as two maple trees. The area was prepped for sod install.
BEFORE:The grade on the north side of the property needed to be raised 4’ to achieve client wish for more level lawn.
AFTER: On north side, plantings were installed on berm above road grade to match the higher lawn grade. Spruce, bayberry, roses for salt tolerance.