The front entrance planting design was influenced by the size restriction between the entrance and the driveway. The design goals were to achieve scale of planting for the height of the house, create an interesting plant combination, and include flowering plant material. A dwarf variety of blue spruce tree was selected to achieve height scale and compliment the blue shutters. Compact blue spruce planted on either side of the walkway adds balance for the blue spruce tree. Small leaf evergreen azaela and rhododendron provides plant balance on either side of the walkway. A chamaecyparis is planted in the corner opposite the blue spruce tree. Hydrangea paniculata provides the flowering component. The landscape design creates an interesting combination of texture, tone, and shape in a relatively small space.
BEFORE: A new home requiring landscape from rough grade to finish landscape from the roadway to the front entrance.
AFTER: Driveway layout, granite lamp post with accenting boulder and evergreen, boulder retaining wall on left side drive, oyster shell parking area.

AFTER: Blue spruce tree and compact globes accent the blue shutters’ trim. Combination of plant textures, tones and shapes creates landscape interest.

AFTER: 3 spruce and 15 aborvitae were planted in 50/50 loam/compost 24” deep. Stone drip edge installed. Lawn area graded and six inches of 70/30 loam/compost installed prior to sod installation.
AFTER: The area was graded. Loam/compost installed prior to sod install. Planting areas prepped for additional privacy for the blue stone patio and fire pit seating areas. Naturalizing woody plants installed along woodland.
AFTER: Front entrance
AFTER: Front entrance